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The 7 Key Event-Planning Principles
1. Consider the date and its importance (if it relates to an external celebration) 2. Select the right venue based on the type of event you are organising 3. Make sure your vision corresponds to your budget - if not, make the most with your available resources 4....
5 Mistakes Managers Make
1. Avoiding direct communication which in essence would resolve an issue in question much faster and without grey areas. If someone is not doing something right (or as expected), this must be properly communicated with indications on how it can be done effectively and...
Salesmen Are Not Born
This is not something you hear very often but I can tell you with certainty and from my own experience that salesmen are definitely not born. Salesmen are made. Yes, some people are born with natural tendencies in certain skills which might give them an advantage...
Create Your Opportunities
Be prepared and ready for opportunities
How To Build a New Product
A well thought-out product development plan can help you avoid wasting time, money and business resources. Your plan will: help you organise your product planning and research understand your customers' views and expectations accurately plan and resource your project...
Τα 7 Χαρακτηριστικά Ενός Στόχου
Yπάρχουν διάφορες απόψεις για το θέμα αυτό. Πιο κάτω σας παραθετω αυτά που θεωρώ ως τα 7 πιο σημαντικά χαρακτηριστικά ενός στόχου μαζί με ένα σημείο (μπορείτε να μαντέψετε ποιο) το οποίο, κατά την δική μου άποψη, είναι ίσως το πιο σημαντικό: Ο στόχος χρειάζεται να...
Photos From Events and Places